Sometimes shifts in businesses are seismic and sometimes they are subtle. But one thing is for sure that despite this there are certain important fundamentals that never change. As a result, you should always be working to strengthen these aspects so that you are in the best position ever to take on whatever life throws at you.

  1. Your Vision.

    Regardless of a change in circumstances, your Vision should not change. A Vision is an aspiration of a distant future. As long as your Vision serves a higher purpose for the existence of your business and it inspires you and your team to do more, even when you don’t feel like it, then it should remain a constant. Changes in circumstances only mean that the path you are now directing is slightly different. The destination however should remain the same. Otherwise, you will find that you never reach the required goals in business.

    your vision

  2. Your Values.

    These are the unspoken rules of engagement. They form the fundamental core of your team culture. And it is how you intend to develop and create the ethos in your business. This goes back to the philosophy that like-minded individuals are attracted to each other’s ideas. This way of thinking becomes your innate value. Your values are your foundational beliefs and do not change much due to external forces. The values you adopt as a business will become the type of culture you end up nurturing. It is the team culture that will ultimately drive your Vision.

  1. Your ability to work hard.

    Rely on you and you will never be let down. You know what you are capable of and your hard work can still continue no matter what the external environmental forces will things to be. Continue to put the work in and you will most definitely reap the rewards. Sometimes it’s just about showing up! This is a simplistic concept and yet an extremely powerful one. Too many people hit obstacles and they spiral into negative depressive thinking. We forget that all the power we need to overcome our challenges and grow stronger is within us. We simply have to present ourselves and the world with our challenges and ask the right questions. Then just show up to do the work!


  1. Your ability to adapt to the change.

    You can always have faith in your gumption to change when change is necessary. Your ability to adapt to the changing circumstances can become your biggest asset to transcending into the future. This will also keep you at the forefront of the industry. However, HOW you manage Change and the way you lead your team to adapt to the change is key. This is often the difference between success and failure. You should encourage flexibility in adapting to changing circumstances. But more importantly, the team should sense in you, the leader, ease when it comes to altering the way you do things. This will help them to adapt too. However, if they see, you are being reactive and operating from a place of fear, then they too will mirror your behaviours. This ultimately leads to an unproductive team. To GROW is to CHANGE and your role as a leader is to inspire that growth. Thus, remaining at the forefront of innovation which is change itself!


  1. The need for your Leadership.

    Group of boats following the leaderA team will always need a leader to help navigate the business and steer it out of or away from troubled waters. Leadership is a skill that is required no matter what the circumstances may be. However, when battling a crisis, this is when much clarity and focus is required. Only the leader can provide the hope of better times and keep the team motivated and on the intended path. Good Leadership can help you achieve much success; to not only survive the challenges but to also come out the other end stronger than ever before. Within each change in circumstance, there is a lesson to be learnt. By understanding that lesson and overcoming the obstacle, the entire team will grow and connect, provided good leadership has directed and managed the change correctly.


  1. Your clinical skills and knowledge.

    You can continue to care for your patients and provide dentistry with no matter what forces of change happen upon you. The only thing that is different is your delivery of that care. But the actual treatment diagnosis, planning and treatment techniques are not changed. Your knowledge has not been affected. Your clinical ability has not been affected. In fact, you now have the opportunity to improve your service of care. The classic example of this is during the Covid Pandemic. There was much we could do to get ahead of our competition and improve our service simply by taking advantage of being able to be the early adaptor to the change. I know my specific group of clients were able to take advantage of much, due to a series of webinars on “How to Protect Your Practice”.  Each one jumped ahead in revenues by focusing on specific growth systems, whilst many dentists were still reviewing the new Standard Operating Protocols at that time!


  1. The 7 Core Business Fundamentals

    . Work and follow-through strategies are required in certain core areas of business no matter what the circumstances. The more effort you put into these areas, the more returns you get on your investment. These are the core growth systems we focus on at Dental Wealth Builder: Sales, Marketing, Leadership, Systems, Vision, Financial and Clinical Strategies.


Many dentists may put one or two into action. However, in order to experience true growth, ALL 7 need to be functioning together in a cohesive and cognisant manner. This is the basis of the Dental Wealth Builder programs. The difference is also in HOW you conduct the strategies, not in their objectives.

Photo Of Inspirational Lecture

When we encounter changes in business, our default thinking tends to be how do we manage the change?

This leads us down a reactive and unfocused path. It is important at that very time when you experience mayhem around you, that you remain calm and focused on what resources you do have and what hasn’t changed.

Use these points as a checklist to help energise you and re-motivate you to start becoming proactive again.

Get in touch with us for help with motivating your team to create a successful dental practice.