Dental Marketing 

Unlocking the Potential of Cost-Effective Marketing in Healthcare

In the dynamic world of healthcare, where competition is fierce and patient expectations are constantly evolving, finding innovative and cost-effective marketing strategies is paramount. As a former practicing dentist with multiple businesses under my belt, I’ve navigated the challenging waters of healthcare marketing first-hand.

My journey led me to a pivotal realization: the power of strategic, well-executed marketing can drastically amplify the return on investment (ROI), sometimes yielding a […]

By |2024-05-16T11:17:28+00:0014 May 2024|Categories: Dental Marketing, Sales|Tags: , , , |

7 Ways to Make Your Marketing Work Harder For You

To establish a clinical practice where you can continually perform the type of dentistry you enjoy, you need to attract the right calibre of patients to your practice. Many clinicians work hard on acquiring the dental clinical skills they feel will be helpful to their practice, only to find that they cannot perform that type of dentistry as much as they would have hoped.

The part of the success […]

By |2023-03-17T18:20:18+00:0021 February 2022|Categories: Dental Marketing|

To Brand or not to Brand……

Can branding hurt your practice?

Overuse of misinterpreted branding concepts can have damaging effects on dental businesses. Is there a significant difference between how big companies get custom and dental practices?

Apart from the apparent difference between larger companies and the small business dental practice, in that one is much larger than the other, there are much more subtle differences that the dental practitioner needs to understand if they are […]

By |2023-03-17T18:24:27+00:003 March 2021|Categories: Business Consultancy, Dental Marketing, Practice Growth|

Let New Patients Rain on You

To attract more new patients or to motivate existing ones to commence with treatment, you need to either become a rainmaker or acquire one. A rainmaker brings more business to any organisation and provides the opportunity to increase their income. They make patients rain on you!

They come in many guises, including the principal, the manager, the nurse, and the entire team. And be under no […]

Are you sitting on a pot of gold?

Hitting the jackpot

Do you feel like you have reached the end of the rainbow, or are you still struggling to find it? Most dentists answer this with a definite no. Well, I believe that most dentists have already found their pot of gold but are struggling to see it,

 You are already sitting in a treasure cove; you just need the magic spell to uncover this hidden wealth. It […]

By |2023-03-17T19:05:37+00:0025 February 2021|Categories: Business Consultancy, Dental Marketing, Practice Growth|


Recipe for Success

Most dentists want a successful, thriving and profitable dental practice. But we all know that there are not enough of them around. The problem lies in the fact that when you feel like things are going your way, suddenly you face difficulties of more than one nature. Suddenly the number of new patients entering your door reduces, or patients fail to continue with your

How to make your marketing money work harder than ever for you.

So many dentists invest in ventures with the hope of drawing in more patients to their practice. However, just because you have spent your hard-earned money does not necessarily mean you are actually INVESTING, let alone anticipating new patients actually booking appointments and bring you an income.

When considering marketing strategies we need to have an investor mindset. Investors spend money for a return on investment, i.e. spend money […]

By |2023-03-17T18:23:02+00:0025 February 2021|Categories: Business Consultancy, Dental Marketing, Practice Growth|

Marketing Strategies for a Dental Practice

There are many different types of approaches you can take when designing your marketing plan.

  • “DIY Competition” Based. With this type of approach, you will always be looking at your competition for inspiration.

  • Outsource. You can always hire a marketing company to do your marketing for you. This has its advantages and disadvantages. However, the primary disadvantage is that you lose control. You will be under pressure to […]
By |2023-03-17T18:28:47+00:0023 February 2021|Categories: Business Consultancy, Dental Marketing, Practice Growth|
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