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Empowering ~ Inspiring ~ Transforming
Fast and Effective Bespoke Dental Business training delivered to dentists by dentists with over 30 years of experience.
At Dental Wealth Builder, we pride ourselves on our exceptional dental business training experience and knowledge. As dentists and successful dental practice owners, we understand how to achieve financial growth and success; and increase the value of your practice(s) through teaching advanced skills to all involved in dental healthcare.
We provide ideas and strategies to show you how to grow your practice(s) with a focus on guiding you on Vision, Strategy, Sales, Leadership, Clinical Strategies, KPIs, and Marketing.
Vision | Team | Cost-Effective Marketing | Increasing Case Acceptances | Growth Systems | Financial Model | Clinical Strategy
How Can Our Coaching Benefit You?
Increased Profits ~ Less Stress ~ Team Driven
Coaching will help you achieve your practice and personal growth plans and goals by us becoming your trusted partners, providing you with strategies unique to you and then holding you accountable in implementation to drive you towards success in your life. The techniques we create have been derived from all our experiences and knowledge in growing our group of practices and helping other successful dental practices and dentists. We help to empower you and your team to become exceptional leaders. We help dental practices, multi-practice groups and dental associates.
We will work with you by challenging your limiting beliefs, habits, and processes to then help, motivate, you encourage you towards your vision and potential, aligned with your personal and practice values.
This will allow you to achieve breakthroughs for yourself, your dental team and your practices and beat your competition, achieve your desired goals, increase your profits, reduce your stress and create extraordinary success for your life and career.
“A business coach is an effective means for achieving your patient number goals, revenue targets, long-lasting change and development in the individual dentist, the team and the business. A coach is part strategist, part advisor, part mentor, part trainer and part motivator. A key benefit is having someone who helps you to see your strengths and weaknesses and uses them to accomplish your goals and vision.”
See Why so many people are considering Business Coaching.
“76% of individuals who received high-performance training benefited from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication skills.”
“87% of companies feel that they recouped the investment they made into leadership and business training plus more on top.” Source: Forbes
“A study of executive coaching…. reported a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business.” Sources: Metrix Global
“At Dental Wealth Builder, we have obtained between 37% – 475% increase in profits, within the 14-month program, with a 100% success rate in client satisfaction.”