What Successful Practice Owners Need to Know

The most important question on a dental practice owner’s mind is:

How do I make this business more successful than it is now?

How do I level up?

Is growing your practice productivity on the top of your To-Do List for this year?

If so, like many other dentists, the questions that are floating in your mind would be:

  • What should I do?
  • How should I do it?
  • When should I do it?

Interestingly, many would think of these as the key questions to solve. And it is understandable.

You want success, and you know that you need to be operating in a different way to get those results.

Doing things in the same way as you have done before will only get you the same results. We all know this.

However, this thinking is where most people are going slightly wrong.

Whatever challenge or opportunity you have, the solutions are never found in what, how, when or even why you do something alone.

The strategy should be built around who is going to do it.

If you find the who, they will be able to contribute to the thinking process and come up with the what, how, and when.

This will create a more constructive and productive brainstorming of ideas.


Building a Mastermind out of your team

You need to think carefully about building a MASTERMIND out of your team

This way, you have a group of people who bring a variety of capabilities to the table.

They will be able to work out what they need to do and how they will do it.

This involves understanding, seeking and nurturing the capabilities within your team. It’s about getting the right people with the right stuff in the right roles.


“Get the right people on the bus first (and the wrong people off it); seat the right people in the right seats, and then decide where to drive the bus.” Jim Collins


Grow your dental practice

Most dental teams are made up of a group of random people. No thought has been given to what capabilities you needed in your team to begin with.

Team recruitment should be about what that person can contribute to the entirety of the team.

Before recruiting dental team members, the practice principal and the dental practice manager should be looking to see which talents, skills and abilities the entire team lacks.

If you put an advert out for a nurse and hire the first person that comes along, you are essentially creating a team of randomness.


Steps in Creating Your Ideal Team:

  1. First, decide the destination of your dental business. This is your Practice Vision.
  2. Then decide who is suitable for your Team Culture and who is not. You need to remove those negative people that are not aligned with your practice values.
  3. After that, you need to look for abilities, talents and skills within that team. And position the correct people in the right roles.
  4. Now look to see who else you need.

The appropriate people on your team will develop the practice culture and ultimately drive your Vision.

They will be able to contribute in a meaningful way to the practice’s overall success.

We can help!

We would love the opportunity to help you not only find your what, how, why and when, but also and maybe most importantly, your who.

Talk to us about how we can help you put in solid strategies that make problem-solving easy and team management efficient.

Learning to find the right who to make your hows happen is a transformative experience that consistently leads to greater freedom, opportunities and growth.

It’s not just about creating the plan; it’s about having the right people in the right role.

This is how you transform your practice, your team and your productivity to realise your Vision.

Get in touch with us today.